Keyboard to Controller Mapping has launched

Simple overview of our features.

Our features in more detail


Auto Deadzone

DriftAline automatically finds the right settings to keep your controller accurate without any hassle. This  prevents your stick from moving unintentionally. 

Manual Deadzone

Eliminates unintended movements of a game controller or joystick by ignoring small, unwanted motions. It helps make your gaming controls more accurate and responsive.

Custom drift / Offset calibration

Sticks axes centres are adjusted using a fixed offset value. This calibration corrects deviations in the joystick axes’ neutral position, ensuring accurate alignment, eradicating stick drift.


Aligning with measurement variations and device/user preferences, adjusting this parameter accurately captures the changing rate of measurements. The system effectively tracks and compensates for stick behaviour, improving control, performance, and mitigating stick drift for enhanced accuracy

Input Delay

Represents the maximum waiting time for the software to receive a new input readings from the controller, limiting the software’s waiting period for fresh input data. However, it may not be effective for controllers with rapid and frequent input changes.

Advanced / Signal Processing

Random noise

Simulates stick drift in a game controller or joystick. It adds artificial wobbling movements to mimic drifting behaviour. Use it for testing and fine-tuning purposes to help people assess and adjust their controllers for stick drift issues.

Random bounce

Creates fake bouncing movements in a game controller or joystick. It imitates the unpredictable jumps and jitters of a drifting controller. Use it for testing and adjusting controllers to fix stick drift issues.


Use it to reduce uncertainty or noise in the controller’s input. By tuning the Uncertainty Slider, you can improve control accuracy by minimizing unwanted drift and irregular movements.

Keyboard to Controller Mapping

With our free keyboard to controller mapping tool, seamlessly integrate keyboard inputs into your controller setup. Customize controls to fit your style, enjoy compatibility, and expect regular updates for an enhanced gaming experience.

Flash SALE ends Monday


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